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future heritage

14-19 April 2016- Prototyping Lab
@ City of Ramallah, Plaestine

The collaborative project ‘Future Heritage’ wants to transform local heritage and knowledge for a sustainable, global society. The project will highlight cultural heritage in Palestine, which is disappearing and reproduce it in new forms and techniques in order to develop and promote heritage locally and internationally.

‘Future Heritage’ is a cooperation project between Ramallah Municipality, Palestine and Public Art Lab, Berlin in the field of visual arts, handcrafts and technology. The local communities (handicraftsmen and -women in the field of embroidery and pottery) create together with artists, designers and technologists new objects and patterns, which will be enhanced through new technologies. From 14th – 19th April 2016 we will conjointly host the heart of the project: a 5-days Prototyping Lab, taking place in the Community Art Centre in Ramallah. The project will build a socio-cultural cooperation model between artists, the local community and handicraftsmen & -women to re-create meaning and value of their culture and deepen the appreciation of crafts and materials.

Future Heritage is a project by Sally Abu Bakr (Ramallah Municipality – Ramallah) and Jasmin Grimm (Public Art Lab – Berlin) in the framework of the cultural manager exchange programme TANDEM SHAML 2015/2016.

Find more information of the process on the Project’s Website: www.future-heritage.org

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Visual © Christina Mandilari


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