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in/visible cities 2015: prototyping lab


25.-27.1. 2015
Supermarkt Berlin
Brunnenstrasse 64
13355 Berlin

Today’s modern cities are hybrid structures in which technology is invisibly interweaved in the perception layers of our everyday lives. With the curatorial theme of InVISIBLE and VISIBLE Cities, in the framework of UNESCO’s International Year of Light, we want to develop an awareness on the changes which are hardly visible to the eyes and are underlying our nowadays cities.

Initiated by Public Art Lab in collaboration with Fraunhofer FOKUS the 2-day Prototyping Lab ‘Connecting Cities: In/Visible Cities’ will take place on 26th and 27th January as part of transmediale 2015 in the SUPERMARKT.

During the ‘In/Visible Cities: Prototyping Lab’ creative developers, IT experts, urban planners and future visionaries will use sensor measurement technologies to create DIY and crowdsourcing strategies dealing with the visualization of invisible technologies and data collection in cities. The three topics Safety (digital citizens), Climate Change and Energy (hybrid city) and translocality will be the participants starting point for creating creative use of these data. The three best ideas will be chosen, developed and presented as light installations in Dortmund and Jena. The Judges are: Susa Pop from Connecting Cities, Julia Kloibe from Open Knowledge Foundation, Robert Kleinfeld from Frauenhofer FOKUS and even more is to be announced.

Please register no later than January 15, 2015 here: www.eventbrite.com/e/invisible-city-2015-prototyping-lab-tickets-14906206866.
The application must indicate whether you already have your own idea or you are interested in teamwork (Artist / Developer).

Sunday – 25.1. evening – short introduction / Idea pitches by the participants / Get Together
Monday – 26.1. from 10 am – Prototyping Lab with approx. 30 participants (Artists, creative coders, designers, researchers)
Tuesday – 27.1. until 4 pm – Prototyping Lab with approx. 30 participants (Artists, creative coders, designers, researchers), 4-5 pm – Presentations of project ideas/projections.

In/Visible City: Prototyping Lab is presented in the framework of transmediale Vorspiel

The In/Visible City: Prototyping Lab will be entered around three topics:

Digital Citizenship / Safety moderated by Mark Shepard  and Gabi Sobliye from TacticalTech

Hybrid Cities / Environment moderated by Sebastian Meier

Translocality / Networkedness moderated by Julian Adenauer

The Prototyping Lab is supported by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union, The RWE Foundation in collaboration with Connecting Cities, Fraunhofer FOKUS / Competence Center FAME Future Applications and Media as well as transmediale.

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