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vertical gardens

Berlin – Germany

17-19 January 2013

During the ‚Green Week‘ in Berlin Public Art Lab designed an interactive media installation for the Dutch embassy, to bring spring to Berlin.

VERTICAL GARDENS is an interactive facade projection that was positioned in the urban space in front of the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, hall 18. The installation is accessed through a Dutch bike, which warms up the word inside the screen and bring spring to Berlin. Through the bikes, a  seed wending machine and an iPad people could in collaboration form the look of the digital vertical garden.

With the interactive media installation VERTICAL GARDENS the Netherlands bring spring, the city and the idea of an ecologically sustainable habitat to discussion. In the Netherlands urban gardens are already widely used and also in Berlin, the urban garden culture is becoming increasingly popular.

Susa Pop / Public Art Lab has developed the artistic concept of VERTICAL GARDENS. The project partners were YUKIJUNG (Design and Motion Graphics), Memetics GmbH (Interactive application and Pogrammierung), tonwelt professional media GmbH (sound) and Gahrens + Battermann GmbH (production technology).

Find pictures of the installation on Flickr and watch the video Vimeo.


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