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living library for nature writing

Changing City Libraries

October 2020 to November 2022
in Kempten and the Allgäu region

NEW: Please watch our film documentary of the Living Library of Nature Writing by Ulli Lindenmann!

Funding Programme: Fonds hoch3 | German Federal Cultural Foundation
Project lead and partners: Stadtbibliothek Kempten, Kulturamt Kempten, Sonthofen und Markt Wertach, Deutsche Selbald Gesellschaft

Susa Pop |Public Art Lab and the nature writer Michaela Vieser developed the concept of the Living Library for Nature Writing together with the Stadtbibliothek and the Kulturamt Kempten to rethink the role of a public library as a place of encounter and living space that consciously responds to pressing social, cultural and ecological issues.

The Living Library for Nature Writing will investigate how libraries can become vibrant cultural venues for cross-generational civic participation that address one of the most important issues of our time; climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Based in the Allgäu region, and in regional cooperation with the Sonthofen City Library and the Wertach Library, the Kempten City Library will establish a LIVING LIBRARY that will take on the role of ‘green cultural mediator’ with the methodology of nature writing and digital placemaking.

The programme will include Nature Writing Salons and a Nature Writing Camp, a Library of the Things and the Networked Library.

See more at German Federal Foundation

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