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in/visible city: connecting cities festival @ jena

8 – 11 October 2015
and City Culture Science Lab – Jena, Germany
co-organiser: JenaKultur 

Connecting Cities @ Jena
CONNECTING CITIES is a European and worldwide expanding network aiming to build up a connected infrastructure of media facades, urban screens, projection walls and urban media environments as a community platform for the co-creation of our cities.

IN/VISIBLE CITY 2015: Today’s modern cities are hybrid structures in which technology is invisibly interweaved in the perception layers of our everyday lives. With the curatorial theme of INVISIBLE and VISIBLE Cities 2015 the goal is to develop an awareness of the underlying data and technologies of modern cities, which are almost invisible to the eye. IN/VISIBLE Cities will visualize the embedded, ‘smart’ urban infrastructures in three artistic scenarios for the citizens to explore in a public setting. The three topics Digital Citizens, Hybrid City and Translocality will be the curatorial topics for creating creative use of urban data and sensor technologies.

JenaKultur is hosting Connecting Cities with the City Culture Science Lab, an interdisciplinary platform of regional and international actors, universities, technology companies and city planners for participatory city making. Jena as centre of optical technologies will be turned into a stage for light and media art through interactive light scenarios and urban expeditions within the Festival from October 7 to 11, 2015.

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For further information, please go to the site of JenaKultur: www.jenakultur.de, of Connecting Cities: www.connectingcities.net or to the festival homepage: www.city-visions.net


Initiated by:

jk_logo_farbe_grossLogo_Jena Jahr der Romantik00_PAL




Funding partners:

Thueringer Ministerium Wirtschaft u Arbeit


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