Home | Projects | Connecting People & Places | peoples screens: networked scenario guanghzou-perth

peoples screens: networked scenario guanghzou-perth

In the frame of the Guangzhou Interational Festival of Lights there will be sharing screens between the Northbridge Piazza in Perth and Guangzhou. From November 13 to 29 2016 the project ‘Peoples Screen’ offers people in Guangzhou and Perth the opportunity to co-create chance encounters and spontaneous interaction between these two cities.
By using ‘blue-screen’ technology at each location which will show a variety of converging scenes of Perth and Guangzhou, two different and separate audiences will be brought together on screen and will experience a shared place in a virtual world.
Developed by the artists and researchers Paul Sermon and Charlotte Gould from the University of Brighton in the UK, this installation adopts a playful and open approach to public urban video screens to manifest a truly interactive ‘Peoples Screen’.

Image: © Christina Mandilari (Public Art Lab)

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