| Projects | Connecting People & Places | augmented europe AugE 2nd

augmented europe AugE 2nd

Augmented Europe | AugE 2nd

2022 – 2024

AUGE 2nd is aimed at involving European youngsters, actively and through digital media – to shape the future of Europe. They will be supported by young “artivists” (artists that are also activists) to shape new ideas to boost visions, dreams, actions that will inspire and guide future ways of living together in Europe in a more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful way.

Funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)

Five cities | five challenges will be interconnected during 2 years across seven transnational, phygital, participatory events to shape ideas and projects on 5 challenges:

Milan | MEET Digital Culture Center: Media literacy and digital awareness
Barcelona | Espronceda : Gender diversity and inclusion
Berlin | Public Art Lab: Climate change:  Nature Data Narratives
Riga | RIXC Center for New Media Culture: Blockchain and future economies
Gdańsk | LAZNIA Contemporary Art Centre: Democracy and public health

Programme and Activities 2023-2025

5 AugE Artathons from March -November 2023
5 hybrid phygital events which interconnect all 5 partner cities and online audience with one challenging topic curated by each partner. In each Artathon 130 young creatives will work together interactively in online workshop sessions.

More details about
Milan Artathon – Media literacy and digital awareness
Barceolona Artathon – Gender diversity and inclusion
Berlin Artathon – Climate change:  Nature Data Narratives
Riga Artathon – Blockchain and future economies
Gdansk Artathon –  Democracy and public health

Metaverse Event – 11 April 2024
We invite the AugE community to experience the metaverse as a forum and learning journey to possible futures.

Final Event – 23 May 2025 – 10am-1pm CET
online and onsite at MEET Digital Culture Center
It’s a unique opportunity to meet the AugE community online and onsite in Milan.
We will share our experience and results achieved in over a year of joint reflections on the main global challenges of the future and contemporary times will be shared, ranging from democracy to climate change, from future jobs to artificial intelligence, from diversity to inclusion.
Please join us online from 10am to 1pm CET at MEETverso here

More details how to participate


Augmented Europe | AugE 2nd

Augmented Europe (AugE) is a joint project of 4 European art centers who want to make Europe a better place by prototyping new ideas, solutions and innovative policies on social inclusion (MEET, Milan), intercultural understanding (Public Art Lab, Berlin), nature and climate change (RICX Riga) and sharing economy models (MADE,Tessaloniki) – funded by by the Europe for Citizens programme.

Funding Programme: Europe for Citizens – Civil Society Projects

May 2020 to July 2021– 4 Augmented Europe Ideathons
in Milano, Riga, Berlin and Tessaloniki

Augmented Europe | Berlin Ideathon | 9 December 2020

About the Berlin ideathon ‘Connecting People and Places’

Want to learn about curatorial practices and methods for connecting people and places beyond physical borders? Join our Augmented Europe Ideathon – sign up here!
Once part of the Living the City exhibition at Tempelhofer Feld, Augmented Europe is now an online ideathon curated by Public Art Lab in Berlin. In 15 min. talks three keynote speakers represent three approaches and methods about connecting people and places and prototype new ideas in three breakout sessions on zoom over 150 youth participants from neighbouring countries.

Berlin programme on 9 December 2020

welcome by the Augmented Europe partners
Public Art Lab | Berlin, RIXC | Riga, MEET |Milan, MADE |Tessaloniki
introduction talks & walks at former Tempelhofer Airport
with Lukas Feireiss through the ‘Living the City’ exhibition
Susa Pop, Public Art Lab about Connecting People and Places
Maja Stark, AURORA School for ARtists
Connecting People and Places – topics and showcases
Topic 1 – Social inclusion for migrating cultures
Weltstadt / World City
by Matze Görig, artist of Schlesische 27, Berlin
Topic 2 – Translocal Activism to connect people and places
SMSlingshot and G-Frame by Christian Zoellner, co-founder of VR_Urban and The Constitute,
designer, artist and professor at University of Art and Design Halle
Topic 3 – Telematic performance in pandemic times
Neuro-Knitting Beethoven
  by the media artists Varvara Guljajeva and Mar Canet
Prototyping ideas in 3 parallel Zoom breakout sessions facilitated by the artists & speakers
Pitching session and presentation of the ideas / wrap up

More information here



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