Home | News | susa pop @ genius loci in weimar

susa pop @ genius loci in weimar

International Videomapping and Facade Projection Festival

Workshops: 5 – 9 August 2013
Symposium: 9 – 11 August 2013
Festival: 9 – 11 August 2013, projections daily from 8pm to 11pm
Weimar, Germany

In 2013, festival Genius Loci Weimar will expand in space and time as on three evenings three historical facades will invite to a screening parcours. The festival offers additionally a symposium, workshops, an exhibition and a networking get-together.

Susa Pop will present the Connecting Cities Network as part of the festival’s symposium.
When: August 11, from 2-3pm
Where: Audimax, Steubenstraße 6, 99423 Weimar

Check the Genius Loci website for the full festival programme and information on symposium tickets.

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