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coalition for hybridcity.art @nordic edge expo

About the coalition for hybridcity.art

The coalition for hybridcity.art is a joint initiative for art’s mandate, conditions and theoretical and practical participation in the hybrid city. The initiative works towards generating, bridging and transferring knowledge between artists, urban stakeholders and technological innovation bodies.

The coalition is initiated by a network of curators, researchers, artists and cultural producers with long experience in researching, producing, contextualizing, maintaining and evaluating media art and moving images specifically in the urban domain.

Founding Partners

Art Republic (Stavanger, Norway) is a platform dedicated to art and new technology in public and online space. The platform explores the expanded cinematic experience and run the Screen City Biennial dedicated to presenting the moving image in public space.

Film Capital Stockholm (Sweden) is running Smart Kreativ Stad, an innovation project exploring new perspectives on moving images in the public space. The project is funded by the EU and municipalities in Stockholm and runs from 2015–2020.

Public Art Lab (PAL) is a Berlin based action research platform for urban media art that investigates, curates, and produces artistic projects in the urban public sphere at the intersection of media arts, urban planning and creative technologies. PAL is specialised in creative citymaking, citizen science and connecting cities that empower social interactions.

Urban Media Art Academy is an interdisciplinary and networked educational initiative that investigates and intermediates ‘urban media art’ in relation to processes of change in local and global urban contexts today while seeking to qualify thoughtful, ethical and sustainable artistic and curatorial practice with the art.

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