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Climate Flags Opening

CLIMATE FLAGS by Hans J. Wiegner

Opening 11 July 5pm – guided tour through the Spreepark 6.30pm  –

artists’talk with Katja Aßmann, artistic director of the Spreepark Art Space

@Spreepark Art Space, Berlin co-funded by E.ON Foundation

Since climate change and environmental degradation are global problems, they do not stop at borders. With the guiding principle ‘show the flag!’, a new generation of global flags triggers the discussions to rethink ‘nations’. Habitats of beyond-human beings like rivers, woods and oceans should become legal entitities.

Consisting of organic photovoltaic foil, the Climate Flags produce their own energy. In contrast to conventional silicate technology, the photovolatik foil is produced with a low energy input and no rare and toxic raw materials are used. It is fully recyclable and represents a closed material cycle. Each flag is unique from hundreds of specral lines in an endless row. They are designed by the artist Hans J. Wiegner.

Placed in front of companies, public institutions and squares, they set a sign for for climate-neutral engagement in accordance with the international environmental standard ISO 14001.

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