| Artists | sergio galán

sergio galán

Sergio Galán Nieto is a Spanish Interaction Designer and creative coder. He holds a degree in Telecommunication engineering by Carlos III university (Madrid, Spain) and a master in Interaction Design by the university of Malmö (Sweden).

Sergio is interested in critical design, in combining activism and technology, and in projects related to public space, specially urban screens. The topics he targets are broad, mainly environmental issues, technology, science and participation.  With this kind of projects he has been part of festivals and exhibitions in cities like Helsinki, Bergen, Sao Paulo, Liverpool, Malmoe, Quito and Madrid, where he usually works.

Currently he designs interactive artworks for museums and public space. He is involved in the organisation of different activities related with (creative) coding at Medialab-Prado. He also participates in social innovation projects involving kids and teenagers designing their own digital creations.

All Photos © 
Sergio Galán.
Find further information on Sergio Galán.


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